Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to join RSC Edge to be a member of the RSC?
No. You can maintain your membership without being a part of Edge

Can I still attend club ice if am not part of Edge?
Yes. Club ice will still be available from 5-6 on Sundays

Can I attend some Edge practices but not all?
Edge members have exclusive access to Sunday practice times and there will not be a pro-rated option.

What if there is a rink closure?
If there is a rink closure, every effort will be made to provide a make up class. If there is a Health Department or State of Illinois closure, RSC will provide pro-rated refunds

What if my coach is not one of the Edge coaches?
We welcome all members

Competition Details

  • Skaters have an opportunity to choose from a list of competitions at which Edge coaches will be available.
  • Spins, jumps, and compulsory programs will be encouraged in addition to individual programs
  • Competition fees are not included in Edge fees
  • Must be in good standing with USFS (membership dues are in addition to Team Edge fees)